Tuesday, December 18, 2012

12.18 Grades

Grades: As soon as I finish grading the research papers, I will send you an email with your final score for the course. I will also return the research essay with a score & some comments.
Grades will be calculated according to the point system listed in the syllabus.

1. Blog + comments (response to readings; practice analysis, drafts, reflections, etc) 300 points

2. Class presentations + group work + participation + quizzes 150 points
3. Best short analysis project 250 points
4. Research project 300 points

If you receive a higher grade on your final research essay than on your short analysis, you will receive a percentage score based on the research essay. If your research essay grade is lower than the short anlaysis score, you will receive all the scores as listed.

After you receive your grade, look over the points. If you are good with your score, we are all set. If you feel I made a mistake or that your work has not been evaluated accurately or fairly, you have 24 hours to send me an email stating what you feel should be re-considered - and I will re-examine by assessment and get back to you.

One day after sending your grades, I will post your final grade to Keanwise.

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