Thursday, April 11, 2013

4.11 Transcribing + Working on your introduction + literature review

Transcribing your interview file

create a "quick and dirty trancript from beginning to end
mark the time at random intervals
mark "good stories"  and significant patterns for talk*
get the flow of talk
write down as much detail as you can
use markers for sections of text that you are having trouble understanding  = ?? or IDK
use a "template" (like we did in class) so that you don't have to format as you type

skip over large sections of text
obsess over getting every word

What counts as a good story + a significant pattern for talk?
Good stories = stories related to your content, stories that are long and fully developed, stories that the speaker introduces on his/her own, stories that are told or referred to more than once

Significant patterns for talk = when speaker: introduces the topic, shifts the way s/he is talking (from fast and fully developed to slow and hesitant, from easy-going to "careful", from loud to soft, ) shifts the emotion or tone of voice,  talk interruped by either individual or shared laughter, etc)

Workshop on introduction & literature review sections
1. state your focus (what you are studying)
2. state your research questions (what you hope to find)
3. state why your project/questions are important to writing studies
4. tell/talk about the reference (research essay) you will include in your literature review
5. say what your reference(s) show about 1, 2, & 3

1. Take notes!   Write down as much as you can of what the author says
2. When the author is finished talking, say back what you heard and ask if you got it right
3. Ask any questions you would need answered to get a full understanding of what the author is writing about (add answers to your notes)

ask your coach about anything you would like feedback on


If you want feedback from me on your introduction + literature review = post it by the end of Friday and I will write back to you by next class with some comments

For next class:
Blog 21: Post sections of your transcript or other data that you want to analyze for your research project

I will be reading blogs over the weekend.

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