Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Developing a research plan

1. Identify your focus.  This is a general statement of what you are interested in

2. Identify your research question:  What in particular do you want to find out?  State your question in as specific terms as you can: the age/identity of your subjects, the location of your study, the particular activities/features you will focus on. 

Your research question is really a group of related questions, stated in specific terms, where you narrow in on what in particular you want to learn about in your study.

3. Who has studied this question and what do they say.  For this prompt - mention any article that you have read where researchers have explored answers to your question.  If you can't find any articles - tell me something about what you searched for and what you found (even if it wasn't right).

4.What do I need to find out to answer this question?  This prompt is to help you clarify and deepen your research question.

5.  What do I need to do to gather information that will answer my question?
 This prompt is to help you think about how to design your study.  Who will you work with?  Where?  what will you do together?

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