Thursday, May 2, 2013

5.2 Even More Presentations!

Good job Joanna, Janeida, Kimberly, Sharelle, and Corinne.  On Tuesday we will hear from Robert and Maritza = and celebrate!

Also on Tuesday, we will look back at the assignment sheet, and you will do some final revising to your essays, and we will talk about how to turn in your work and the process for getting your grade. 

As part of the general commenting today I mentioned that:

1. Your essay should have a title that gives an accurate (and inviting= maybe even clever?) indication of what you are writing about.  I do not want to read any essays titles "research paper".

2. Headings should give a content-based indication of what is in the section that follows.  Use your headings to give your readers detailed, accurate information.  Informative headings are KEY components of effective essays.

3. As you revise:
  • Make sure each paragraph relates to/develops your focus.  If writing goes off on a tangent =>delete it!  Longer is NOT better.
  • Check to see that your points are in the right order.
  • Write transitions between your paragraphs/sections. 
  • Make sure you include a statement of the relevance of your project to writing studies.
4. Remember that the page limit is 10 pages, double spaced.

5.  The Data analysis section should be the longest section of your essay.  Demonstrating that you can break down complex language passages or actions into their component parts and identify patterns and relationships that explain how that language or action works is the point of this course.

Blog 27: If you gave your presentation today, post your reflections on what you have to work on
if you gave your presentation earlier, post your ongoing revisions,
if you are doing your presentation May 7, post the draft you will present on

I will provide feedback on Blogs 25 + 26, Tuesday before class.

Have a great weekend, and THE END IS NEAR!

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