Tuesday, May 7, 2013

5.7 Last Class (see previous post for the assignment for Blog 28)

Today Robert + Maritza gave their presentations, and we spent the rest of class wrapping up loose ends.

I walked you through the process for your self-assessment of your research projects (see previous post).  You will post this assessment as Blog 28.

Turning in your work:
Blog 29 will be your final research essay.  You should also send your essay to me as an attachment to the course email. 
Any work must be turned in by 12:15 Thursday, May 9.

How you will get your grade.
I will grade your work as fast as I can.  I will send you a grade sheet listing your points for each category listed on the syllabus via the course email as soon as I have finished grading (hopefully no later than Tuesday, May 14 but maybe as early as Sunday).  If you do not feel the grade on the gradesheet accurately reflects your work for the term - you should send me an email within 24-hours where you describe what you think should be different.  At that point, we will either work this out (especially if I have made a mistake, which I sometimes do) - or not.  At the end of the 24 hours I will post your grades to Keanwise, and any further negotiation will have to take place through a grade appeal.

We will not meet in the classroom on 5.9.  I will be in my office most of the day Wednesday and Thursday if anyone wants to stop by for some last minute conferencing.

Closing remarks:

It has truly been my pleasure to work with you as a class.  You were welcoming, engaged, and "full of life".  What an outstanding term we had.  I know I worked you hard, and I appreciate your good will in doing that work = and I hope it pays off for you in terms of what you learned research methods, the research process, and about yourselves as writers.  I wish each of you the best - and have a great summer!

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